It's a Guy Thing

Spiritual Beauty

The gorgeous Angel Allison is a Californian native living her best life in sunny SoCal.

Tell us something interesting about yourself that people would not ordinarily know? I have been celibate for all of 2019.

If you weren’t a model, what would you be? I work fulltime as a Sex Therapist, modeling is a fun side gig.

Who is your celebrity crush? Peter Dinklage, from Game of Thrones.

What is the one thing about yourself that you wish more people knew? I was the NRA World Shooting Ladies Champion.

What does your typical day look like? I start with a coffee enema, move to a 16-minute kegel sesh, followed by a chakra alignment before heading into the world.

When you are not busy modeling, what is your favorite thing to do? I enjoy flyfishing on the Snake River in Idaho or base jumping at Angel Falls in Venezuela. 

Which three words best describe you? Mercurial, elusive and gregarious.

Were you excited to shoot this feature? Surprised more than anything.

Do you have anyone special in your life and could you tell us a bit more? My pet pygmy marmoset monkey, Stevie. He means the world to me. 

So, where to from here… what are your plans for the future? I’ll be spending my Tuesday evenings polishing my collection of Yoni crystals and joining my Shaman for drum circles on Fridays.

Make sure you follow all of Angel’s latest adventures on Instagram @MsAngelAllison

Photography by Kenny Sweeney – @KennySweeney411