It's a Guy Thing

On Top of her Game!

with Giovanna / @msgiagigi

Photography by

Hair by @stylesbysuzy

MUA @Chicanajay

Giovanna, Such an absolute honor to have you on the cover of FHM! What has your journey as a certified bombshell been like so far? It’s been amazing this is my second FHM cover so I feel so grateful that FHM wanted me back for more.

We are blown away by your drive and professionalism, can you tell us what some of the things that motivate you to stay on top of your game are? Since I’m 39, I’m in the natural health Industry. I have to practice what I preach so that motivates me to stay on top of my game at all times.

 What is your favorite chill time activity? My simple pleasure is to stay at home, cook a healthy organic dinner and then watch an 80s comedy movie.

Fitness and health are incredibly important to you, can you tell us some of the things you do to stay fit and healthy? I could go on forever about this. The first thing I do in the morning is an ab video. I then make my protein shake with tons of supplements. I work out 5 days a week at the gym with weights. Most importantly I eat 100% organic clean chemical-free foods. I research every ingredient that goes into my body and when I say research I don’t mean google since true research is not done on google any longer.

What are, hands down, your absolute favorite things to do? Working out, saving animals and growing my own food.

3 ultimate deal-breakers when it comes to men? Probably the main deal-breaker would be someone that lacks the ability to see the truth in what’s really going on in the world followed by someone who doesn’t fight for their rights and someone who doesn’t like prepping. Deal breakers.

Where would you say is your favorite place to be in the world and why? I would love to be in a French-like countryside where I could grow my own food and be completely self-reliant.

What is currently playing on loop on your playlist? I keep my playlist on the 80s new wave and at home I love classical and Jazz.

Where can our readers catch up with you and stay updated with your work? My readers can stay updated by following me on Instagram @msgiagigi.

We are so happy to have gotten to know you a little bit! Any last words out there for our readers? Thank you for your support hope to see you on Instagram.