Loving All Things

with Louisa Khovanski / @louisakhovanski
Photographer Louisa Khovanski / @khovanskiphotography
Can you tell us a bit about yourself? My name is Louisa and I am an Instagram model, photographer, YouTuber, blogger, and since June 2024 Twitch streamer. I started my career in 2019 and since that time I have done a lot of different projects in the social media world. Right now I have 5 million people following me on Instagram, which is very exciting for me. Originally I am from Ukraine, but since the war started in my country and my hometown was occupied by Russians I moved to Canada and now I’m going through an immigration process. The last few years were very stressful for me, full of anxiety and very disturbing thoughts. When I came to this life I had nothing, my family was very poor and we lived in a place that, people say, was a horse stable in the past. I worked very hard on many jobs, got a master’s degree at university, started my photography business, and later my social media career. I became successful and then lost everything, because of war. I moved to Canada with my cat, backpack with a camera, and one bag of clothes. I started my life from scratch in a foreign country and I must say immigration is a very hard process. I am very thankful to Canada and its people for all the hospitality. During two years Canada became my new home and I love it. I love Canadian people, they are the kindest I ever saw. I enjoy the modern tolerant society here which, I believe, I became a part of. I am doing my best to stay here and I hope that I will not need to start again from scratch.
What’s one thing about yourself that your fans might be surprised to learn? I am very much a homebody, I don’t like crowded places and loud noises. I would prefer to stay at home and play board games with friends, instead of visiting some nightclub. Everybody knows that I love horror, but not everybody knows that I also adore cartoons, especially in wintertime. I sleep under a warm blanket even in summer, my feet are always cold.
If you could choose one word to describe yourself what would it be, and why? Groovy – well all because I love the Evil Dead series so much.

How would you describe your personal style, and how has it evolved over the years? I always was in front of female beauty, curves, and sexual attractiveness. These things inspire me a lot in my work, not only as a model but as a photographer as well. Besides that, I love the 80s, horrors, and different folklore. If you follow my blogs, you will see how often my pictures or videos are inspired by one of these topics and how interesting can be a mix of all of them.
What does freedom of self-expression mean to you? It means everything, but unfortunately, it is so hard to reach, I would say almost impossible. Nowadays social media world has become very strict and unpredictable in the meaning of its algorithms and policies. I value freedom of self-expression as the only way to create real art, but I am a hostage of algorithms, trends, and standards.
What are your go-to fashion and beauty essentials for a day of shooting or travel? I love investing in my skin. I am 31 years old and I hope to look 31 until I am 50.
Could you share some of your top travel tips for your followers? Don’t be afraid to go to unpopular places, you never know where you will find your gem. I have such a story about Croatia, which I visited accidentally during the COVID-19 pandemic and fell absolutely in love with Croatia’s nature, cities, and flavor. I would love to visit Macedonia, Slovenia, Latvia, etc. I don’t know much about these countries, but I am sure it will be very cool adventure.

What are your favorite ways to unwind and relax when you’re not working or traveling? I love to go camping and hiking. Canadian nature is so impressive and unique. I have a dream now to buy an inflatable tent with two rooms and go for cool winter camping for a few days during the strong snow storm, that would be really cool.
Are there any particular hobbies or interests outside of your influencer work that you’re passionate about? I love literature a lot, don’t be surprised, but I have a master’s degree in Ukrainian language and literature. I love to read absolutely different types of books and I wish I could have more time for this. I love drawing and creating stories. Who knows, maybe I will write a book in the future. But only after finishing the scenario for my horror visual novel.
What’s the most memorable date you’ve ever been on, and what made it stand out? Once I was on a date at a cemetery and it was very creepy there, but also very exciting. Definitely not a stereotypical place to go for a date, but I enjoyed it a lot. Highly recommend you try.
Can you share any exciting upcoming projects or collaborations you’re involved in? I am very excited to release my digital novel. It will be a mystical detective with elements of horror, but it is far from the final result at this moment. However, I want to release a demo version of the game in 2025. This project means a lot to me, it is my dream project now and I want it to be perfect as I imagined it from the beginning.

If you had to give your followers one piece of advice for leading a stylish and fulfilling life, what would it be? Don’t give up very easily. If you fail in something, work on mistakes and give it a few more tries. I failed so many times but I kept trying different things and found ways that led me to where I am now.
Thanks so much for your time, Where can our readers follow you on social to stay updated on what you’re up to? I would be happy if you could follow me on my Instagram @louisakhovanski or my YouTube channel @louisakhovanski, also don’t forget to watch my streams on Twitch. Who knows, maybe we can become friends! Thank you so much and take care.