5 Things Coaches can Learn from Their Players
Relationships are the foundation of coaching. The best coaches, like Guardiola or Mourinho, inspire respect from their players, who see them as someone of authority. However, the most successful player/coach relationships are two-way, with coaches being reachable, approachable, and willing to listen the players. This article will reveal more about how coaches can learn from players and why this is important.
Look at different perspectives
Players may have a different perspective on a situation than a coach. For example, a player competing directly against an opponent has first-hand experience of their playing style and may have their view of how best to play against it, which might differ from that of the coach. In this case, the most influential coaches consider different perspectives as they realise the importance of combining theory and practice in their technique. Doing this is vital because theory tells them what should work. In contrast, practice provides insight into solutions and potential problems based on player experience.
One approach does not fit everyone
Players’ personalities, likes, and dislikes teach a coach that one approach does not fit every player. An area of practice that motivates one player may affect other players differently. So, top coaches develop an understanding of each player and formulate approaches that get the best performances from everyone. For example, one player may respond more positively to visual training aids, while others may perform better if they establish a real training strategy. Take a poker player for example, they could train their skills by playing games at the Platin Online Casino. Other examples include a cyclist training on Zwift for their races, or professional racers using car simulators. The best coaches learn what training suits players and use this knowledge to their advantage.
Progress is different for everyone
Coaches learn from players that they all progress at different rates. While some players pick up a skill or manoeuvre straight away, others take days or weeks to reach the same point. The most effective coaches understand that the speed of progress doesn’t necessarily determine a player’s overall ability or contribution to the team. So, they show patience in ensuring all players can meet their full potential.
Constructive feedback matters
Feedback from a coach can positively or negatively affect a player’s behaviour. For example, a player may feel intimidated and unmotivated if a coach yells instruction. So, good coaches learn that constructive feedback is essential. They concentrate on providing feedback that helps players develop and learn. The most successful coaches are also open to accepting feedback from players, which helps them to develop them coaching skills.
Motivation is important
Coaches see when players need more motivation to perform, and results suffer if players aren’t inspired. They know that developing this motivation is essential, and they learn from the individual what motivates them. Some players get motivation from a sense of self-worth and belonging that coaches can promote. Other players gain motivation by having a sense of autonomy, and coaches give them this by enabling them to take responsibility for elements of their training and for their performance overall.
The items featured in this article are things coaches can learn from players. This learning doesn’t stop there, however. Other lessons for coaches include the “why” of a technique being as crucial as the “how.” Also, sporting achievements aren’t usually the most significant life achievements, and they should put sport into perspective as one element of life.