Sunkissed Beauty
with FHM Canada May 2022 cover star Olivia Lush / @theolivialush
Photography by Robert Ouano / @ouanophotography
HMUA Glam by Keira / @glambykeira
PR by LA Media Group / @la.mediagroup
Such an absolute honor to have you on FHM! How is the year going for you? I couldn’t be happier about 2022. Being featured on the cover of FHM is amazing! Thank you for having me. I have some other projects in the works for 2022 that I am very excited about but can’t talk about it yet.
What are you most looking forward to this year? Traveling has always been one of my biggest passions and an important part of my life. So far, I have visited 94 countries in all the 7 continents including Antarctica. Learning about different places and cultures fascinates me. I look forward to being able to travel internationally more extensively again and adding some wonderful destinations to my list of visited places.

Top 3 best moments of your career so far? This FHM cover for sure! I would also add having a part in a Brazilian soap opera when I was working as an actress there and having been published in some other magazines in Brazil as well.
What was on your resolution list this year? To dedicate more time to some charities whose causes are very close to my heart. So far, I’ve been involved with them financially, this year I would like to contribute with more of my time as well. I also love to get some more publications and add new stamps to my passport.
When it comes to goals and ambition, what are some of the things that keep you focused on getting there, and what is the driving force behind it all? I believe that the better I do, the more I can give back to others that are important to me and the causes I believe in. That’s a great incentive that added to consistency and discipline has helped me stay focused on my journey.

What are some of your favorite outdoor activities? Taking my 4 rescue dogs to the park always put a smile on my face. As a good Brazilian, I adore the beach. A good walk on the beach is my favorite way to start my day. I absolutely love swimming and being in the water. It can be at the beach, swimming pool, or jacuzzi. There’s something extremely relaxing and sensual about it.
3 ultimate deal-breakers when it comes to men? If he is cheap, closefisted. Generosity is very sexy, and the opposite is such a big turn-off, being rude to me or people around us, like wait staff and lack of hygiene are big no-nos.
Never have I ever…? Been part of the mile-high club.

Top 3 myth busters when it comes to models? 1, that we only eat salads. I am a foodie and really enjoy savoring delicious food with a nice bottle of champagne or wine while engaging in salacious banter in great company. 2, we are all size 0 or 00. I am very proud of my Brazilian curves. There’s beauty in every type of woman in the same way that there’s a market for different kinds of models. 3, we are only attracted to other models, athletes, and celebrities. I’ve been attracted to men of different ages, races, and body types. For me, a man’s demeanor and actions speak a lot louder than his appearance
What is the best way to approach you as an admirer? Being generous, chivalrous, and always keeping your word.
Where can our readers catch up with you and stay updated with your work? My Instagram @theolivialush and Twitter @TheOliviaLush.
We are so happy to have gotten to know you a little bit! Any last words out there for our readers? One of my favorite sayings is that “Life should not be measured by the number of breaths we take but by places and moments that take our breath away” and I truly believe it. Life is short and is up to us to make it sweet. Do something that makes you happy today.