Sensual Therapy
With FHM UK January 2022 cover star Amy Taylor / @Amytaylorla
Photography by Julia Mindar / @JuliaMindarPhoto
Wardrobe @DanielAlamillo_
HMUA @MelissaWonder_
Location @OCMansion
PR by LSA Publications / @leo.alderman / @lsapublications
Such an absolute honor to have you on FHM! What are your plans this year? Being on the covers of three major magazines, and showing you guys the awesome photo and video shoots we did to produce the content in those issues. Traveling to several countries to which I’ve never been. Doing more skiing, SCUBA diving, seeing friends and family, trying to stay healthy and happy, and most of all, more quality snuggle time with the main guy in my life, my 6-pound dog.
What is at the top of your list to achieve in 2022? Greater peace. Which means being offline a little more, to the degree possible. Especially off social media. I’ll still be posting my work (enjoy the content, friends!), but I think I’m going to post less about my personal life and read less about the lives of others, and instead spend more time actually living. I’d like to return to my phone being a bit more of a tool with which to accomplish tasks, and a bit less of what’s starting to feel like a distraction ARY all-encompassing extra appendage of my body, LOL.
Top 3 best moments of your career? 1. Being on the cover of FHM in the USA. 2. Being featured in Sports Illustrated. 3. Being well over 40 and having a healthier modeling career than ever.

What would you say makes you stand out in the industry? I don’t think I’m superior to anyone else, and I believe everyone’s unique. However, I suspect there aren’t too many models who are also commercially licensed pilots, MBAs and MENSA members, as I am. That said, I’m quite sure every other model has characteristics and accomplishments that I don’t…there are many great models. I’m in good company!
Where are we most likely to find you If not Infront of the camera being glamorous? In winter, traveling to various ski destinations to enjoy the slopes. In summer, traveling to tropical islands worldwide to SCUBA dive. During the holidays, in California near family. The rest of the time? Either in Los Angeles at home, or wherever strikes my fancy… I’m a bit of a wanderer when I have the time and inclination. The world is beautiful… I intend to see as much of it as possible before my time’s over.
What are some of your favorite outdoor activities? Marksmanship, aviation, SCUBA, skiing, golf, tennis, polo, surfing, paddle boarding, boating, and whenever yoga’s outdoor!

3 ultimate deal-breakers when it comes to men? Sloth, cruelty, and mercuriality. Be lazy, be mean, and/or be kooky, and I’m gone.
Never have I ever…? Had sex with two men at the same time. Yet.
Top 3 myth busters when it comes to models? That we’re stupid, that we all have eating disorders, and that we all necessarily like all that makeup and primping on our off days.

What is the wrong way to approach you as an admirer? Asking for sex too soon. I am unattracted to players and/or men who are inelegant. Be loyal, choosy, and well-mannered…just like I am. Class is sexy. Vulgarity isn’t.
Where can our readers catch up with you and stay updated with your work? Instagram or YouTube: @AmyTaylorLA TikTok: @AmyTaylorCATwitter: @AmyTaylor1Facebook: @AmyTaylorInLA.
We are so happy to have gotten to know you a little bit! Any last words out there for our readers? Get off that little lighted square and get outside…real life’s waiting. Oh, and I love y’all. xoxo