Doing the Impossible Every Day!
with Janine Pezarro
By Jason Fleetwood
Photography by Dennis Cruz / @dennismcruz
Makeup by Missy Costa / @costa_chic
This month we’re proud to host the multi-talented and drop-dead gorgeous Janine Pezarro, a woman of many skills that is both strong and charismatic, achieving all the goals she puts her mind to while remaining humble and graceful along the way. From being an absolute boss in the kitchen to speeding down a race track and traveling the world there doesn’t seem to be anything Janine can’t do. Here, we get to sit down with the fabulous go-getter to find out more about what she’s been up to and her plans for the future. Take a look!
Hi Janine, firstly, let me start by saying what a pleasure it is to have you feature on our cover this month. For those that don’t already know, you seem to be good at everything you choose to do, from being a master pastry chef, an amazing make-up artist, a successful businesswoman and a world-class fitness model and athlete it’s easy to see you’re a very talented, and attractive woman. So we’re keen to know, what motivates you to stay so focused on your goals? Hi Jason, thank you so much for chatting with me. This has been on my bucket list of goals for many years and I am so proud to have finally achieved it. I can’t really say I know exactly what motivates me to achieve goals, I have this ‘I can do anything’ attitude and don’t think that anything is out of my reach to achieve, everything is possible and that’s what’s makes the adventure fun and exciting. I think the fundamental key point is that I only select goals I’m interested in and like you mentioned “choose to do”, things that I think are impossible to achieve but I have an interest in them enough to pursue it. In this mindset, I go all in to a goal and even if it takes me years to achieve I won’t stop until it’s done! I’ve achieved crazy goals like racing sports cars around the Dubai F1 track with Porsche, sold the Kyalami race track in South Africa for R250 million, been on concert stages, worked in Michelin star restaurants as a pastry chef and weird things like trained professional Muay Thai in a place called Ubonratachani in Thailand jungle, and watched an opera in Vienna. Bought 2 American muscle cars with epic backstories. Don’t get me wrong I’ve also had my fair share of EPIC fails but I don’t limit myself at all so I’ve had some crazy rides.
You’re a pastry chef by profession, who would you say are some of the most interesting people you’ve got to meet in your career? Chefs are crazy so and so’s, hah! We are a breed unto ourselves. I have met some of the most interesting chefs all over the world, I’ve been privileged enough to work across the globe from Belgium to the USA, Canada, South Africa, and Dubai to name a few. If you want to understand what raw emotion, passion and drive looks like just go into the back of a top world-renowned restaurant or hotel. I know everyone wants to hear about the Princes and Princesses, the celebrities like Bono from U2, Miley Cyrus and extremely wealthy clients I’ve had the honor of cooking for but it’s the people in the kitchen that fascinate me the most. Yes, I once had to make 7 banana milkshakes every day for 10 days for a prince because he only liked the way I made them, yes I’ve had to make desserts at 2am because a private client requested it… yes I’ve worked 80-hour weeks with 1 or no rest days. Why?! Well, there is something so magical when someone takes the first bite of dessert and the smile spreads like wildfire across their face, the elation and joy created with one dessert. I live to see that happiness. I describe us similar to professional dancers because let’s be real there is zero money in being a chef rather we do it for passion, for the art. I’m wildly passionate about seeing the joy in someone’s face when they eating a creation I have made. I would say being a pastry chef is my calling even though I’ve taken a break from the kitchen this year to focus on other passions but I’d probably go running if an executive chef called me.

Being a professional makeup artist and consulting men’s stylist where would you say are some of the best places you’ve got to visit so far? I started this journey as I was looking to expand my creative mind but in a different medium, I’ve always loved makeup and the detailed mindset from pastry was an easy transition. I love the creative space. Helping women look incredible and especially women that are older, again I only follow my gut and do the things I love. Helping women in their late 30s, 40s etc discover themselves again is so wonderful as I’m in that current space, discovering what worked at 20 doesn’t work now at 37. I have been to a few countries and have a few high-end private clients whom I look after. This is how I recently fell into the men’s styling… it was organic because I am not a trained personal trainer or nutritionist, I have a very different approach to changing a lifestyle and with this I helped two friends of mine lose 40lbs and 20lbs. Together we then changed their style, updated their wardrobe and it became a complete transformation on how they saw themselves and felt. I was hooked. I’ve always had an eye for luxury style and men’s clothing is so fascinating to me, I love a man who looks good and radiates confidence. Is there anything sexier? I would love to do this for more men and help them gain their self-confidence and sexy side… so any readers need a makeover they can call me haha!
We must say, you’re looking pretty fit. How do you find the time to stay in such good shape? My motivation is always wanting to look sexy in expensive lingerie as this is the only thing I wear so I make the time, simple as that. No, I’m not always wanting to go and sometimes have to drag myself by my hair but I want to constantly look good and feel sexy, feminine for myself, I know what I need to do in order to achieve it.
It’s such a guy question, but what can you benchpress? Well, Jason, I’m really happy that I’m a size D chest so if I wanted to get bigger I wouldn’t bench press I would just call a plastic surgeon.
Speaking of guy questions… we’re sure the first question most guys think when they see a gorgeous woman like you is, “is she single?” or better “how do I get her!?” what do you find attractive or look for in a man? Haha! I doubt that’s the first thing that a man thinks but ill go with it. My girlfriends would say I have a type and as much as I want to protest I have to agree. I am drawn to men not boys in fancy suits. By this I mean a man that knows himself and doesn’t have to prove anything to the world. Comfortable in his skin and knows how to treat a woman. Chivalry, intelligent, successful and can hold his own whilst being kind. I have some very wealthy guy friends who are so genuine and humble, they know who they are and don’t need to shout with their money. In terms of looks, I defiantly drool at a tall man, muscular who is healthy and looks after himself but at 5’5 nearly everyone looks tall to me.

Okay, now we have to ask, what is the utterly lamest, or most funny pick-up line you’ve ever heard? What do you bench? Haha… Jokes. I’ve had some pearls over the years but I would probably say my most recent worst, favorite is “ do you compete? Are you an athlete? Did you fall from heaven etc..
Do you think, with the growth of social media that people these days are more interested in who they really are, or who they appear to be? I’m going to answer this from personal experience. I’m quiet and reserved with a side order of badass. I feel the pressures of social media heavily especially as a girl reaching close to her 40s, I am not everyone’s cup of tea and I think for a long time I tried to be then I got to a point where I decided screw this, I have tattoos, I love who I have become and I’m not going to apologize for being me. I focus more on my happiness and being a good person rather than what someone will think of my naked ass… The more real I become and internally true to myself the better my social media is. In a world of fake profiles and buying followers it’s more about being authentic and true to yourself. There is the freedom and wealth because people are drawn to it. People want to know someone is real and experiencing the same things they are, to be relatable.
Here’s a quick question, so give us only one answer for each okay… What’s your favorite pet to have, muscle car to drive, and food to eat? Great Dane 100 billion%! My boyfriend and I are getting two and going to name them Scooby and Franklin, 1968 Camaro SS, ribs or roasted chicken with ALL the trimmings and gelato.
Nothing in life is perfect, but if you had the opportunity to change one thing about the world, what would it be and why? Violence in all shapes and forms because I’ve experienced and seen so much of it and know how it can change a person.
If you had one day to spend one million dollars on yourself, what would you buy and why? I would first go to the gym, haha! Then I would go to an American car auction with Jay Leno and buy myself my dream muscle car, spend a few hours with him and his car collection driving around then on the final hour I would book two trips. First to a private wellness island for three weeks and the other to spend a year traveling the world (there is a special company that organizes the entire thing). In the last 30 minutes and with my last $100 I would order cheesecake for everyone.

We know it’s not something people are eager to share, but what was one of your most embarrassing laugh-out-loud moments? Hmm, sorry I honestly can’t think of something but I do know there are daily WTF moments, like putting the kettle in the fridge, locking myself out my house, looking for my mobile that’s in my hand… there is a continuous daily meme called my life.
If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why? Siegfried Marcus from 1886. He built his first combustion engine powered pushcart – AKA the first car, I would love to hear his story knowing what we drive and experience today.
We’ve prepared some quickfire questions for you, so answer with the first thing that comes to mind. Ready? Let’s go…
I can’t live without… Great Danes, white flowers, gelato and gym.
Three things always in my bag… snacks, hand sanitizer, wallet.
Chest or guns? both and legs! Don’t forget legs, ooh and butt… basically, be the statue of David!
Turnoffs? Disrespect, lying, bad breath, men who miss leg day.
Wealth or happiness? Can I be both please!
My dream holiday destination is… cuddling with Silverback gorillas in the Congo and a beach.
Biggest fear? Regret.

Celebrity crush? Don’t really have one but I’d love to do a workout with The Rock.
My words of advice to people trying to reach their dreams… Stop thinking the world owes you something or waiting for the right time. Go achieve your goals even if it’s completely messy, backwards and after 900 failed attempts. Relentlessness will eventually achieve success.
Well thank you, Janine, it’s been fantastic having you. Before you go, do you have any last words for our readers and where can they follow your adventures on social media? I do want to thank you for your time and really give a massive shout out to the most incredible humans that made this shoot happen, they are indeed the dream team and EVERYONE should know them. Photographer and long-time friend Dennis Cruz @dennismcruz. He is based in Toronto but travels the globe and has one of the most incredible eyes for detail. I felt like a goddess in this shoot because his calm nature and impeccable directions allowed us to get the shots we wanted for the magazine. His planning is extraordinary and he gives a little piece of his soul to every shoot. Makeup artist Missy Costa @costa_chic, also Toronto-based was one of the best make up artists I have ever used, being a MUA myself its very difficult to let go of the reigns and let someone else create your vision, Missy is a dream. Her calm nature makes you relax while she applies to makeup like a true artist. Alex, Thank you for all the support and love. This wild ride could not have been done without you. Yes, you can find me on Instagram @janine.pezarro.wbffpro or my website
Want to see more of Janine? Then follow her journey on Instagram @janine.pezarro.wbffpro for all her latest news and story updates!