Delicious Duo
with FHM France March 2022 Cover Stars
Savannah Madison / @savannmadison
Hannah Rose / @alainnhannahrose
Photography by Gary Huffman/ garyprophoto
MUA @makeupbyolena
Savannah Madison / @savannmadison
How do you stay busy during Covid-19 restrictions? I did a lot of binge-watching and exercise.
Have you been a blonde your whole life? No, I actually had auburn hair when I was really young.
Favorite celebrity crush? I’m a sucker for humor and great personality so I would have to go with Tom Hanks. As far as women I would say, Doutzen Kroes.
How important is sex in a relationship? VERY important for me!! Communication, respect, and sex are my top three most important in a healthy relationship.

What animal are you most like and why? A cat, because I love laying in the sun and sleeping all day…
Any pet peeves? Slow drivers and people who are late!
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? The way the world is going I don’t think anyone really has a plan anymore… it’s hard to make plans when you don’t know what’s going to happen next!? but hopefully, I’ll be laying on a beach somewhere under an umbrella sipping a drink without a mask lol.
Give us one secret about you nobody knows… I am a clean freak. I can’t stand clutter!
What regrets do you have as a model and what accomplishments do you still wish to achieve? I don’t normally regret anything in life… but I guess I would’ve pursued my modeling career sooner. The sky is the limit far as what else I can accomplish! Never limit yourself!

Hannah Rose / @alainnhannahrose
Such an absolute honor to have you on FHM! How are you feeling about 2022? Such an honor to be here. I think like most of us I’m hoping we can only go up from here. I’m looking forward to warmer weather and the new opportunities a New Year brings.
What are you most looking forward to this year? I’m looking forward to plotting and planting my 2022 garden. Traveling. Exploring. Kayaking, fishing, horseback riding, rock climbing, hiking, and pretty much everything outdoors especially if I can take my dogs and wear a bikini.
Top 3 best moments of your career so far? Shooting in the valley of fire. After that shoot, I got to come back and climb. Being proposed to on ESPN live Supercross as a Monster girl, I was too afraid to say no, but I have the ring back after. Shooting at robbers’ roost in Nevada, history is one of my passions and I immensely enjoyed being able to see where all the westerns I love are filmed.
What was on your resolution list this year? To manage my time more wisely, make more opportunities to spend time with loved ones, start working out, start my own business and to enjoy every moment and live more freely, just being more Spontaneous.
When it comes to goals and ambition, what are some of the things that keep you focused on getting there, what is the driving force behind it all? Some of the things that keep me focused on getting there are my love for the outdoors, yoga, and my family. The driving force behind at all is to do something lucrative with my time that I truly enjoy and have a passion for.

What are some of your favorite outdoor activities? Rock climbing, kayaking, fishing, hiking, Florida camping, horseback riding, mountain biking, rock and Artifact hunting, Finding new swimming holes to cool down in, Exploring, wakeboarding, gardening, Natural sustainability, pretty much everything I have an extreme love for the outdoors and feel more at home there than anywhere else.
3 ultimate deal-breakers when it comes to men? If he’s not a gentleman he’s out. If he is cocky or not humble. Bad hygiene. Someone who doesn’t treat their mother well. If he hates being outside it’s a no.
Never have I ever…? Climbed a famous mountain naked, save someone from a burning building, join the mile-high club. One is true.
Top 3 myth busters when it comes to models? Model MythBusters: We love to eat. Most models appreciate a good meal. We are not stuck up most of us are very humble, Approachable, and down to earth. Being a model is easy. There have been shoots that I’ve done when my core temperature has been almost hypothermic. I’ve been exposed to deadly snakes and alligators during a shoot in a swamp area. I’ve shot on so many locations where the heat index was 120, Try looking good and keeping your hair perfect and frizz-free on 104° day with extreme humidity. I once shot for a yoga company. I had to do a handstand in the mountains on top of a huge rock the shadow of the rock made it seem like it was shaped differently, and I literally flipped over in front of everyone and landed on my back off a 6-foot-tall rock. I think I have that on video. Haha.
What is the best way to approach you as an admirer? If you see me out walk up and say hello. I’m very approachable actually. I also host meet and greets.

Where can our readers catch up with you and stay updated with your work? Instagram@modelHannahrose, Twitch @Hanakin_skywalker.
We are so happy to have gotten to know you a little bit! Any last words out there for our readers? I’m very happy to be here thanks FHM for the opportunity. Thanks to all my fans. Join me on my socials and drop me a line. Never stop adventuring. Make the most of every day and no matter how old you are. Don’t stop believing in magic and watch more sunsets than Netflix.