It's a Guy Thing

All Things Pretty

With Katarina Katz / @katarinakatz

We’re happy to have you featured on FHM. Can you give us a bit of a background on your career as a model and where it all started? I have always been interested in fashion and modeling, probably since childhood. However, I started taking it more seriously when I moved to New York from Miami in 2015. I’ve worked with different agencies, but being an independent model is the best fit for me now.

What helps you decompress and relax? I have many ways to unwind. I love nature, so spending time at the beach or hiking makes me feel better and more relaxed. A spa day is always a good idea. I enjoy massages, facials, and similar treatments. Meeting up with good friends for lunch or dinner, enjoying delicious food, and maybe doing some shopping afterward always lifts my spirits. I absolutely love to travel; it helps me break away from my routine and recharge with the energy of new places.

How romantic are you?  I’m a very realistic person, but when I fall in love, I can be quite romantic and enjoy surprising my partner in different ways.

Having a full schedule must make it difficult for you to get much alone time, talk to us about the top 3 must-dos to ensure you fit in some well-deserved downtime: I really love reading books or watching interesting, thought-provoking movies; it totally helps me relax and recharge during my busy schedule. I also have a home beauty routine that I enjoy, including various masks and other care for my skin and hair, which helps me unwind in many ways. And then there’s the gym and sports activities whenever I get the chance, I visit the gym or practice golf or tennis. Sports give me that extra boost of energy to achieve my goals in life.

What does it mean for you to be seen as a strong, intelligent, ambitious woman?  For me, being seen as a strong, intelligent, and ambitious woman means embodying a complete and balanced approach to life. It involves investing in your health through a healthy lifestyle, regular workouts, and good habits. It also means continuously investing in your education, learning new things, and creating ideas and projects that can generate more income. Additionally, it’s about helping others when they need it, being kind, and engaging in charity work. All these aspects contribute to being a well-rounded, empowered individual.

What are some of the biggest misconceptions people have about what you do?  One of the biggest misconceptions people have about what I do is that they think much of what I have in life is due to luck. While I do believe in good luck and karma, I can’t agree with that perception. I believe that everything is in our hands. We create our future through the decisions we make every day, by expanding our knowledge, and by working diligently toward our goals. 

What does freedom of self-expression mean to you? Freedom of self-expression means always doing what you truly want to do, being in relationships or friendships with people you genuinely care about, and enjoying the hobbies that bring you joy. It’s about following your heart and soul without regrets or fears. What others think doesn’t matter; what matters is how you live your life and whether you find happiness. Worrying about others’ opinions is one of the most useless things you can do to yourself.

Who are some of the models or influencers that you admire and draw inspiration from in your career? I really admire models from the ’90s, they inspire me a lot. The natural beauty they had is something rare nowadays. My role models include Cindy Crawford, Heidi Klum, Naomi Campbell, and others. They aren’t just beautiful; they are also incredibly smart women who are involved in many charity projects and other initiatives that benefit society. They have successful businesses and positively influence their audience. This combination of beauty, intelligence, and kindness makes them even more attractive to me.

We absolutely love your Instagram, your content is very dynamic, inspirational, and downright sexy, could you perhaps tell us what your personal experience as an influencer has been like? Thank you so much! Many people think being a model influencer is easy, but I can’t agree with that. It takes a lot of time to promote your content, invest money in marketing, and constantly be creative for your followers. I can say it’s a full-time job, but it’s one that brings a good income.

Do you have any hidden talents, if so what is it? Not many people know, but I’m quite spiritual and love helping others in various ways. I have knowledge in astrology, numerology, psychology, and nutrition, and I offer private consultations, mainly life coaching for women. I provide guidance on how to become a better version of oneself and achieve personal goals. Additionally, I play golf very well. It might be an unusual hobby for a woman, but I truly enjoy it.

What is your favorite body part on you? on him? on her? I love and accept myself completely, with all my strengths and weaknesses. I feel the same way about my partner. However, I would say that the sexiest part of a man is his brain I’m really attracted to smart and intellectual people.

If you could eat just one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? I hope I never have to choose just one food to eat for the rest of my life because I love variety in my diet! However, if I had to choose, it would probably be oysters. They’re a great source of protein and microelements, and they’re also considered an aphrodisiac.

Do you have any regrets in life? I have zero regrets. I view any negative situation as a lesson from the Universe, an opportunity to change my life for the better.

Thanks so much for your time, Where can our readers follow you on social to stay updated on what you’re up to? The best way to follow me or reach out for business and advertising opportunities is through my Instagram at @katarinakatz.