All About Positive Energy
with FHM France November 2022 cover star Jocelyn Binder / @jocelynbinder
Photography by Caleb Chic / @calebchic
Jocelyn, such an absolute honor to have you on FHM! What are the plans for the year-end? Thank you, it’s an honor to be your cover girl! To close out the year, I typically spend a lot of time with family. We love to hang out in PJs, share nice meals, play card games and watch movies together!
What are you currently working on? I have a beauty/skincare product I’ve been developing that I’m super excited about! It’s almost ready to share… but for now it’s top secret!
Top 3 best moments of your career? Ooooh, good question!

I’d say that working alongside Johnny Depp in Marilyn Manson’s music videos “Say10” and “Kill4Me” would be one highlight. I’m super proud of having been a cover girl for Maxim, Glamour, Bazzaar and others! But one of the most rewarding highlights has been writing my book, “Sexy After Breast Cancer” available on Amazon. It was very cathartic to share my journey and to receive the feedback from those who have been touched by it.
What would you say is your signature look, being into fashion and beauty at the level you are? I haven’t named it, but I can picture the expression…lol. I think this would be a good question for my fans to help me answer! I’ll have to ask and then maybe hold a poll of the top few answers so that we can officially name it! Let’s do it!
What is the fastest way to get a smile on your face? Hmm… french fries usually do the trick. Lol.
What are some of your favorite outdoor activities? I love powerboating! I grew up boating with my family on the Hudson River in NY and now I spend a lot of time in Miami out on Biscayne Bay! Sometimes I see dolphins and take a swim!

3 ultimate deal breakers when it comes to men? My initial thoughts are: poor hygiene, addiction, and dishonesty. But I believe putting effort into self-improvement can resolve all of these problems over time, if you stay committed to it!
Being a breast cancer survivor is an incredible thing to have overcome twice, what inspires you and gives you strength? I really appreciate that! My will to survive is quite strong! I can’t imagine it any other way, really. I love life and find the beauty in each day, which certainly leaves a desire to experience more.
Top 3 myth busters when it comes to models? I think all of the typical stereotypes can be busted because models come from all over the world, different cultures, levels of education, personalities, etc. so everyone is very different. I would say the thought that models aren’t intelligent is one I try to myth busy as much as possible…I graduated with honors for my BA on a full-academic scholarship. Models don’t eat… that’s another one I love to bust when I sit down for a meal with people. I try to eat healthy, but I can clear a plate! Lol. Models all have a small dog in their purse… oh wait, I can’t bust this one! I have a little 4lb fluffy Maltese named Gigi!

What is the best way to approach you as an admirer? I am a big fan of a good old-fashioned introduction- just a “Hi, I’m so-and-so, how are you?” I know that may sound basic but it’s a friendly, respectful approach.
Where can our readers catch up with you and stay updated with your work? I keep my fans ‘posted’ on Instagram… pun intended!
We are so happy to have gotten to know you a little bit! Any last words out there for our readers? I appreciate all of your support and look forward to seeing you on Instagram! I always reply to the well-thought-out comments and my regular fans that become friends!