It's a Guy Thing


with FHM United Kingdom April 2023 cover star Victoria Snooks – @victoriasnooks

Photography by Joseph Plumador /


Such an absolute honor to have you on FHM! What are you currently working on? Thank you so much for having me. It’s such an honor to be here. Currently, I am working on expanding my career and starting a new podcast that I can’t wait to share with everyone. 

What is your idea of a really good time? My favorite thing to do is hang out with all of my friends. I don’t care where we are at or what we are doing as long as we are all together.  

Top 3 best moments of your career? Being on the cover of FHM USA, being on the cover of Playboy Finland, and now getting to be on FHM UK. This year I keep hitting so many milestones I have always wanted to and it just keeps getting better and better.  

What would you say is your signature look? Definitely an oversized t-shirt or sweatshirt with my kids. I will pick comfort any day of the week.

Best place you have ever been to in the world? Hands down, Costa Rica. It is a little bit of everything. Tranquility meets adventure. You can be ziplining through the treetops one moment and be relaxing in a hot spring the next. 

What are some of your favorite outdoor activities? I love to be near the water. So being on the lake, by a pool, at the beach, it doesn’t really matter what I’m doing there. I love it all. 

3 ultimate deal breakers when it comes to men? Someone who is clingy. I believe everyone in a relationship should still be able to have their own time apart. There is no need to be together 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Someone who doesn’t have a passion in their life. I find passion to be the most attractive quality in someone else. So, I need someone who loves what they do or loves something in their life. The last deal breaker would be someone who is a player. I want someone who knows they want me and only me and doesn’t need to entertain other women.

Never have I ever… been on a blind date.

How romantic are you? At this point, I think I have a neon sign above my head that flashes “world’s biggest hopeless romantic” that men can read and know they can sweep me off my feet and I willingly fall for it every single time. I love, love. I know that’s so cliché but I will be the first to admit I am a total sucker for romance. 

What is the best way to approach you as an admirer? Just come up and be yourself. I love to chat and get to know people so approaching me is easy. 

Where can our readers catch up with you and stay updated with your work? My most updated work is always on my Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. My handle to follow along on is @victoriasnooks. If you are looking for my spicier content you can always check out my OnlyFans which is @snooks.

We are so happy to have gotten to know you a little bit! Any last words out there for our readers? Don’t forget to always follow your heart and do what makes you happy.